Welcome to Nebraska Parasitology!

This is the bio-field-cast(TM) Distribution Page

The Harold W. Manter Laboratory
University of Nebraska State Museum of Natural History
and the School of Biological Sciences at UNL.

Click to start your BIO-FIELD-CAST(TM).

  1. Tape -1995-No.2, recording from a field expedition in Bolivia 1995" This field trip was a shot down to the southern part of the country where we trapped on the way from La Paz, to Potosi, to Tapecua (the type locality for Tapecomys. Our objective was to travel there and collect marsupials, bats, and rodents. This tape was mostly a field log for driving directions , but with some observations on traplines. This was a joint expedition from the University of New Mexico, The Coleccion Boliviana de Fauna, Bolivian National Museum of Natural History in La Paz, and the Manter Laboratory of Parasitology, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. slg.

  2. Tape -1995-No.3, recording from a field expedition in Bolivia 1995"
    This tape is mostly a road log from Santa Cruz to La Paz. More details here later.

  3. Seminar-1-Fall 2023 J.Janovy - Life Lessons from a Parasite "
    This is a classic Dr. John Janovy Jr. seminar about statisitcs and distributions of parsites through space and time. Seminar starts at time stamp 1 minute 25 secs.

    Go to the Manter Lab page for additional information on Nebraska Parasitology.

    This information and "PARASITECAST" is copyrighted by the Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology and may be used freely for not-for-profit purposes.