Welcome to Nebraska Parasitology!
This is the Pdf-file Distribution Page and the Parasitecast(TM) and the bio-field-cast(TM)
Distribution Page
The Harold W. Manter Laboratory
University of Nebraska Museum of Natural History
and the School of Biological Sciences at UNL.
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- Dr. Karl Reinhard - "Paleoparasitology and
Thursday, 14-IX-2006, 12:00 - 1:00 pm.
Dr. Reinhard is a professor at UNL and is one of the on-campus
Research Associates in the Manter Laboratory. He studies parasites from
a paleoparasitological perspective using coprolites and deriving
information from palynology!
- Mr. Terry Haverkost - "Parasitology and
Thursday, 21-IX-2006, 12:00 - 1:00 pm.
Terry Haverkost is a graduate student in the School of Biological Sciences
- Parasitology Graduate Reseach Emphasis Group (Parasitology GREG) working
with Dr. Scott L. Gardner in the Manter Laboratory of Parasitology. Terry
is investigating the systematics of Nearctic and Neotropical
- Dr. Matt Bolek -"How frogs get their worms"
Thursday, 19-X-2006, 12:00 - 1:00 pm. HWML Conference Room.
Dr. Bolek recently received his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska
where he worked with Dr. John Janovy Jr. Matt studies numerous parasites
and has training in classical, museum based, parasitology from a
naturalistic - Natural History - perspective.
- Dr. John Janovy Jr. - "How to write and get
Thursday, 09-XI-2006, 12:00 - 1:00 pm. HWML Conference Room.
Here is the
pdf that you can read as you listen to Dr.
Janovy lecture on publishing!
Dr. Janovy, one of the authors of the current "Schmidt and Roberts,
Foundations of Parasitology" is also a well-known writer of both
fiction and non-fiction. He is especially well-known for his books
"Yellowlegs, On Becoming A Biologist, and Keith County
Journal." John is a professor in the School of Biological Sciences at UNL and is one
of the on-campus Research Associates of the Manter Laboratory.
Dr. Agustin Jimenez-Ruiz -
"On Collections and Museums, History and Prospects"
16-XI-2006, 12:00 - 1:00 pm. HWML Conference Room.
Dr. Jimenez-Ruiz is the collection manager of the parasite collection
in the Manter Laboratory of Parasitology, in the University of Nebraska
State Museum of Natural History. He conducts research on biodiversity,
phylogenetics, and natural history of nematode parasites of mammals and he
is an experienced field collector -having worked in Mexico, Nebraska,
Bolivia, Argentina, and Brazil.
Dr. John Janovy - "On Species Accumulation Curves in Parasitology"
Thursday, 18-I-2007, 12:00 - 1:00 pm. HWML Conference Room.
Here is the
pdf that you can read as you listen to Dr. Janovy lecture on
species accumulation curve research!
Go to the Manter Lab page for
additional information on Nebraska Parasitology.
Check out the Trematode species accounts for
indentification guides..
This information and "PARASITECAST" is copyrighted by the Harold W. Manter
Laboratory of Parasitology and may be used freely for
not-for-profit purposes.