Mongolian Small Mammal Parasite Project


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Mongolia 1997
Hangal Soum

These animals were captured in the summer and fall of 1997 by a colleague who was working on a housing project in Bulgan Aimag. Out of curiousity he would occasionally see what animals were in the area, but these animals were not examined for parasites.

This locality was within the Orkhon-Selenge river basin. Habitats included mountain steppe and riparian zones. The forests in the area consisted of Larch and Birch with a shrub understory, while the open steppe areas were heavily overgrazed.


Equal-toothed shrew -Sorex isodon
Miniscule shrew -Sorex minutissimus
Siberian chipmunk -Tamias sibiricus
Gray red-backed vole -Myodes rufocanus
Mongolian vole -Microtus mongolicus
Tundra vole -Microtus oeconomus
Korean field mouse -Apodemus peninsulae
Daurian pika -Ochotona dauurica

Parasites and Hosts

Mammals in this area not examined for parasites.

This page was last modified on 14 May, 2010 - David S. Tinnin