Mongolian Vertebrate Parasite Project


Project Overview

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Current Project

Specimen Deposition and Data

Project Members

Mammal Species List

Reptile and Amphibian Species List

Bird Species List

Bibliography of Mongolian Biodiversity

General Information on Mongolia

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Mongolia Conservation and Biodiversity Links

Mongolia 2009
Zuun Saikhan Uul

A week was spent working in and around the area of Yolin Am and its environs. Work was concentrated in the steppe at the foothills of Zuun Saikhan and the shrub habitat of the rocky canyons higher in the mountain. We also spent considerable effort in sampling the higher elevation valleys as well as including the relect Birch/Willow forest patch and the desert steppe lowlands beneath the foothills.


Gobi jerboa- Allactaga bullata
Mongolian five-toed jerboa- Allactaga sibirica
Mountain vole- Alticola sp.
Five-toed pygmy jerboa- Cardiocranius paradoxus
Long-tailed hamster- Cricetulus longicaudatus
Northern three-toed jerboa- Dipus sagitta
Zaisan mole-vole- Ellobius tancrei
Long-eared hedgehog- Hemiechinus auritus
Tolai hare- Lepus tolai
Mongolian gerbil- Meriones unguiculatus
Daurian pika- Ochotona dauurica
Pallas' pika- Ochotona pallasi
Ground squirrel- Spermophilus sp.
Three-toed jerboa- Stylodipus sp.


This page was last modified on 17 May, 2010 - David S. Tinnin